Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Studio Practice: Questioning the Territory

As part of words week. We were asked to produce a question for our territory. My topic being 'Sports/ Game play and social relationships', my initial question was:

what parameters can be installed so a community can safely and efficiently design their own park?

And then this question was expanded on with questions from the question:

what objects are needed to transform a deprived play area?
what equipment would be most appropriate to enhance the experience of a play area?
how can we involve the whole family in a sports community project?
how can i measure the dynamics or certain, in order to design a site specific play area?
what rules are needed within the community to make a self sufficient plan work?
can food and sport help to promote each other and in turn help community spirit?
how can a 'sport makeover' be installed and documented, and then learnt from?
what would a social workshop involve, that promote sport and food?
how can we give youngsters a forum to be heard, rather than others speaking for them?
can we give youngsters responsibility/ ownership own their own park?
what technology can be used to give youngsters a voice into what they want in their space?
can a member of the public define these parameters?

This method of research has enabled me to throw up all sorts of dilemmas that need to be thought about and questioned during the design process. As well as thinking about interventions, people/ organisations to speak to and things to investigate.

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