Saturday, 26 November 2011

BA Design Year 3: Territories Presentation

South Korean Riot Police Training

Artcicle: Is technology to blame for the London riots

Dunne & Raby: Park Interactives

In the 'park interactives' by dunne and raby, the objects belong to a society that actually encourages users to misbehave, changing the idea of what is deemed acceptable behaviour in a public area. 

London riot areas: initial investigations

I visited 3 locations across London that were worst hit by the riots, Hackney, Croydon and Peckham. Although most of the physical damage has been cleaned up, walking around and collecting information on the various communities in each area allowed me to think about possible sites of intervention, geographical borders, what I really define a community to be, and what are the elements that make one. 

Prototype iteration with white gaffa tape

By Re-modelling the riot helmet and giving it a different surface, altered its meaning completely and gave me new contexts in which to think about its use and users. Additionally the baton served as a new tool for possible games that could be created. If a riot could become something beneficial to both sides involved, could it become a social activity?

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Studio Practice: Rapid Prototyping

I was asked to produce a 3D sketch of an artefact/ product/ piece of tech/ prop from within the territory I am investigating. But we were only allowed to use cardboard and gaffa tape. I chose a riot helmet: